A Tribute to My Beloved Cat Dottie
Geoengineered Weather Weapons Are Being Used Against Us! But We Can Fight Back & Neutralize Them!
Alternatives to Abilify/ Bi-Polar Disorder Conventional Medications
Defeating Fleas The Holistic Way! (And Possibly the Western/ Conventional Way IF Necessary)
Sun Gazing, Ants, Fleas, Flies, a Weirdo and a New Rodent Friend! Happy Full Moon!
Science, Buddhism, Compassion, Longevity, Freedom & Money!
From Essiac/ 4 Herb Tea to 3 Herb Tea to Hyper Jia Bing Herb For Feline Hyperthyroidism !?! (*Correction: Jia Bing Fang Herb)
A Retrograde Nightmare-My Elderly Cat Dottie Must be Cured!
ESSIAC: NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER- An Interview with Dr. Gary Glum
Enhancing One's Energy with Twisted/ Braided Copper/ Metal Finger Rings