My Dragon Pearls (aka Ye Ming Zhu)

It was a little less than 2 weeks ago when my first ever Dragon Pearl (Ye Ming Zhu) arrived at my mailbox. I was super excited! I had heard so many wonderful things about this energy healing stone. It was recommended to me by one of my spiritual mentors in Ohio, and this particular mentor actually placed the order for me. He mentioned that there are a lot of fake Dragon Pearls/ Ye Ming Zhus floating around and that it's important to buy them from a reputable seller. One helpful hint that he told me is that you will probably not find a real Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu for less than $200. My tiny little Dragon Pearl aqua sphere necklace cost me approximately $500.
So I opened up the package and there is was...a tiny little pale green sphere. Yes, it was pale green at first... It looks a bit like jade, however, once charged up in the sun it would glow a magnificent aqua blue/ green color. And this incredible glow would last throughout the evening until morning. Dragon Pearls/ Ye Ming Zhu are known for absorbing light and glowing in the dark. But wearing a beautiful glowing stone isn't even close to the most important reason why one would want to invest in a Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu. These amazing stones are very much alive! You can communicate with them! And just like a quartz crystal, they are capable of storing information! They also radiate an incredible healing energy that affects anything and everything that's in close proximity to it. It supports chi energy, strengthens the aura, generates free energy and much much more... The Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu is quite magical!
So I started meditating with my "Little One"-the name I gave my Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu. I was told that it's important to name them and talk to them. This helps create more of a connection and amplifies their energy. I have to tell "Little One" is super powerful! The first night I meditated with her I started to get very itchy. There was so much energy running through my body that it caused an itchy sensation. I later discovered that my roommate had been itchy as well when my "Little One" first arrived. He didn't even touch my Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu, as you are not supposed to touch ones that do not belong to you. But low and behold, the energy was was so strong that he was itchy too!
Days later my roommate and I both attended a Tea Party in Venice Beach, hosted by a man named Ron Jon who sells crystals at the tea party. It was a very interesting time indeed! At this party I ended up purchasing another Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu. This time I purchased an egg for the discounted price of $200. And my friend/ roommate purchased two large green spheres for the discounted price of $600 total. At this point I was over energized! I had drank a few cups of high end caffeinated green tea out of a crystal cup (I am not supposed to drink caffeine by the way) and I had been surrounded by way too many crystals. I felt really high...and my body was in shock to say the least!
My friend and I got home, I stepped into my meditation pyramid to meditate...and it happened again! I was super itchy! How's that for a side effect? I noticed that when I placed my "Little One" on my forehead and my "Bigger One" between both my hands in prayer pose, I felt energy running up through my arms and through my head. Wow! This is the strongest stone I've ever worked with before! But everyday their energy seems to get stronger and stronger! I've been placing my Dragon Pearls/ Ye Ming Zhu in the sun for approximately 2 hours a day along with a few medallions that I wear, then I place them on a clear quartz cluster in my meditation pyramid and finally "Little One" and Bigger One" take turns sitting on my spiritual altar.
Besides the fact that my meditations, prayers and invocations have become much much stronger, I've noticed a few other interesting things... The Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu takes away pain. I was starting to get a migraine the other day and I placed "Bigger One" on the back of my neck and went to sleep. I woke up the next day and all my pain was gone! Another thing... when I wear "Little One" outside people just seem to gravitate towards me... and they are much friendlier then usual. I also seem to be more sensitive then usual... more in tune with people, nature and everything around me.
I haven't really gone into all the amazing facts and details about this stone, but it's an ancient stone that the elite have been using for a very long time. It's been one of their best kept secrets but now this Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu is finally available to the public... and I highly recommend buying one or more... I have two right now, and while I was thinking about getting more, I can honestly say that the energy is so strong that I may wait a while to do so. I can't even wear my "Little One" all day long. It's just too much energy for me. I need to take breaks. So I would recommend starting with one small Dragon Pearl and seeing how that works out for you. If your interested in taking your energy to the next level I recommend contacting Ashera at Luminosity Healing to view her Dragon Pearl/ Ye Ming Zhu inventory. That's where my "Little One" is from! Til next time...Peace and Blessings!
Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!