Jennie's Reiki: Holistic Energy Healing for The Body, Mind and Soul

Greetings! My name is Jennie Haiman and I am the founder of Jennie's Reiki and the co-founder of Self Saviorz Society California non-profit 501(c)(3). Self Saviorz Society is dedicated to assisting the homeless, underprivileged children, victims of domestic violence and at-risk animals. Jennie's Reiki is a subsidiary of Self Saviorz Society. At Jennie's Reiki I provide reiki energy healing sessions for people and pets at a private studio in the Atwater Village area of Los Angeles, CA 90039. I also provide distance healing sessions for those who are unable to visit me at my location. Reduced rates are available for lower income individuals, students, military, seniors, special needs, emergencies or unique circumstances. Fees are waived for visits to animal shelters/ sanctuaries, homeless shelters and terminally ill children in hospitals or hospices in the LA area. I also provide reiki for groups and events!
I am a certified Usui/ Holy Fire Reiki Ryoho Master through the International Center for Reiki Training. If you are not familiar with reiki, it is a Japanese healing technique that utilizes life force energy to effectively balance and heal the mind, body and spirit. Reiki treats the whole person (or animal) creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation, clarity, feelings of peace, security and well being. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady. Whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual... Headaches, anxiety, knee pain or just feeling disconnected from the universe, reiki helps balance and heal you. Sometimes one session will completely cure an issue. At other times more than one session is necessary. If the reiki is unable to immediately solve a problem, it has a very interesting way of guiding individuals to solutions. In my own life I've found that reiki not only continuously guides me to answers I am seeking, but also seems to put me in tune with a higher frequency creating amazing synchronicities. One positive event leads to another and so forth. The right people or ideas just seem to appear when they are needed. Everything falls into place. The reiki is always at work whether one notices it or not. I believe once you are touched by the frequency of reiki all types of channels start opening up for you. It's truly an amazing alternative therapy.
Reiki sessions may be performed with or without touch. At Jennie's Reiki, I use gentle hand placements for most sessions, however the client may request no touching at all and I am completely okay with that. In fact, many animals are extra sensitive to the reiki energy and would prefer not to be touched. In this case, reiki performed from a comfortable distance may be a better option. I usually sense what is needed and adjust the session for the animal's comfort. The same goes for people ofcourse! The recipient of reiki may be sitting, standing or lying down. At Jennie's Reiki, most reiki sessions are performed on a reiki/ massage table in a copper meditation pyramid. If the client is a cat, dog or other animal, they may sit in their person's lap in a cozy chair in the pyramid or they may sit by themselves with their person close by. They may also stay in a carrying case if they are extra nervous. I have 3 friendly cats, one in particular "Felix the reiki cat" that loves to help with sessions, however a bird or reptile should probably stay in their carrying case just to play it safe! Besides the meditation pyramid, I use crystals, orgonite and other energy devices to amplify the healing of the reiki session. If the client is not in the Los Angeles area, reiki may be sent from a distance. No distance is too far! I also suggest distance healing for animals that experience extra anxiety in unfamiliar places. We do not want to impart any extra stress on a sensitive animal, especially if the animal does not get along with cats!
I started Jennie's Reiki in Los Angeles, CA in 2014, however energy healing has not always been my primary passion. I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I've been involved in music since I was a young child. I attended LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts as a vocal Major. I also attended Business School at SUNY Buffalo and Baruch College where I graduated with honors with a Bachelor's Degree in Business, concentration Advertising and Marketing. However my true passion was to be an entertainer and help create a better world through my creative endeavors. I moved out to LA to pursue entertainment, but something very interesting happened. I met a man who became my spiritual mentor. I had been dealing with health issues, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I started learning to meditate, change my diet and heal myself. At some point throughout this process reiki entered my life and thus Jennie's Reiki was born. However there is a lot more to it than that....
What really inspired me to become a reiki energy healer is my cat Felix. I call him the “Reiki Cat.” In October of 2012 my cat Felix fell ill. He was diagnosed with cryptococcus which is a fungus infection that invaded his central nervous system. He was having difficulties walking and jumping. It was very upsetting. When he started his treatment he had stopped eating and the appetite stimulants weren't working. For some reason reiki popped into my head. I never had a reiki session before and knew nothing about it, however I was guided to seek out a reiki healer for Felix. I hired a wonderful lady named Amber Lockspeiser who specializes in reiki healing for animals. She came over to my apartment and gave Felix a 30 minute reiki session. Felix seemed to really enjoy it, but even better than that, he made a miraculous recovery and started eating again. I realized at that point that I wanted to become a reiki healer. So I asked the universe, “If I am meant to become a reiki healer than perhaps you can create some type of crazy situation to help make that happen?” Well, the next year in May of 2013, that crazy situation did in fact happen, and although I would prefer not to go into specifics right now because the situation was quite crazy... The universe did in fact come through for me and I went on to take my first reiki class with Jessica Miller at the International Center for Reiki Training. After that class my life changed dramatically on so many levels. I was hooked on reiki and by March of 2014 I trained to become a Reiki Master, afterwhich I founded Jennie's Reiki and co-founded Self Saviorz Society.
Besides providing reiki sessions and being involved in charitable projects with Self Saviorz Society, I am currently promoting my spiritual Self-Help Poetry book “A Lover in the Land of Hell” which is a unique self-help book in poetic form! I feel that the energy of reiki actually helped me write this book. Perhaps the energy did write the book? Reiki is pretty amazing! It seems to have led me to so many breakthroughs in life. So much healing has taken place on so many levels. I realize now more than ever that my true purpose is to be of service to humanity, animals and the planet! Fortunately, with the presence of reiki in my life I feel I am able to do just that! If you'd like to learn more about Jennie's Reiki please visit Peace and Blessings!
Jennie Haiman is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!