Enhancing One's Energy with Twisted/ Braided Copper/ Metal Finger Rings

So I went on a trip to NY & PA for approx.10 days (my yearly summer trip) and that's why you haven't heard from me in a moment... But the trip was interesting... There's always something to learn from these trips... There's always an interesting eye opening synchronistic moment of clarity... (or a few) I expect these moments and of course they do come! And at some point I found myself standing in a crystal/ metaphysical store in Port Jefferson, in Suffolk County Long Island! My dad's wife suggested that we visit this crystal store and my 8 year old pisces step daughter approved.
I was not expecting to buy anything. I have plenty of high frequency crystals. More than enough! My cup over-floweth with crystals and stones and orgonite and tensor field generators... What more could I need? I had no expectation of wanting or needing anything. I did not wish to spend any money. My only thought was to keep the kid happy.... To keep the peace and to make sure I woke up every morning to sun gaze, ground myself, practice qi gong, reiki and meditate... drink water and try to eat right. Most importantly, stay calm and think positive thoughts!
I intuitively walked over to a bowl of rings. Finger rings that is! They were hematite rings. I thought to myself that hematite rings could be good for grounding... but alas, they were too big for my fingers and they were all the same big size! But I was on to something....I wanted new rings to wear on my left hand pinky and my right hand ring finger. I had been wearing Solomon's Seal rings on those fingers as per my spiritual mentor's suggestion...but he would never explain to me why those particular fingers were important. It was a big secret! But I felt that the big 6 point stars were too conspicuous to wear in public. I might attract an anti-semitic psychopath. So I only wear them when I'm home now!
However, in that moment of clarity in the crystal store, a moment where I had no expectations of anything whatsoever, I intuitively felt that those two fingers should still be wearing rings... perhaps something different than 6 point stars?... and that's when I spotted copper rings! They were actually copper mixed with other metals. Perhaps brass as the owner suggested? The rings were braided/ twisted copper with other metals... and they were open and adjustable! The braids and twists reminded me of tensor field generators... (And I actually decided to buy a tensor field necklace after wearing the rings for a while). Being very tiny and thin, they were quite overpriced at $12 a piece.... They should've been $5 a piece or less in my opinion... But $24 was actually cheap compared to the rest of the items in the store.
I walked around the store holding one ring in each hand.... And I started to feel a lot of energy in my hands... Then the energy started rising up my arms... and that's when I was convinced that I had to purchase these simple metal rings! They harnessed a great deal of energy! Much more energy than my Solomon's Seal rings! Much more! I knew that I was guided to these rings for a good reason! Perhaps they would help me to harness the immense energy of the sun? My dad's wife purchased the rings for me which was super cool of her... and I placed them on my two fingers... left pinky, right ring finger...
I started to feel the energy move up through my fingers, through my hands and up my arms... I was dazzled and delighted by this incredible feeling... I kept remarking on it. Nobody else seemed as thrilled as I was of course!
I went to sleep with the rings on that evening and I couldn't fall asleep so I took them off in the middle of the night. I think that helped? The next morning I excitedly put them both back on. I was interested to see how the energy would work with sun gazing, qi gong and reiki. I was immensely impressed by what I experienced. I felt a lot more energy than usual during my morning ritual. Then I started running into spiritually minded people and engaging in incredible spiritual conversations. It's as if the energy of the rings changed everything! People were listening to me with great interest and I was being respected for my spiritual information. The most remarkable thing happened to me at the airport. I walked through the metal detector and it didn't go off... but I was wearing all my metal jewelry that usually rings! This never happened before and I just knew that something magical was occurring!
When I finally got home and I went to the library I had to look up "benefits of copper rings on fingers" (or something like that) on Google... and that's when I found this article that explains everything... (written by a Holy Fire Reiki Healer by the way): https://reiki.lt/en/rings-and-energy
Turns out that each finger represents a planet and an elemental force. The active hand (right hand if you're right handed and left hand if you're left handed) gives out energy while the passive hand takes in or attracts energy. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the ring finger represents the sun (and the Ayurvedic element earth (Pritvhi). As stated in the article " It is the creative energy. It is the energy that gives us creativity, inspiration. It also gives us endurance, the ability to find and maintain balance, the ability to ground ourselves (Prithvi mudra). Thanks to this mudra we become grounded, harmonized, balanced. In some ashrams in India, where the tantric path of self-knowledge is taught, copper rings are placed on the ring finger. This restriction during spiritual practices prevents your subtle body from leaving, leaving the physical. It mechanically grounds you, binds you to the earth. Wearing a ring on this finger of the active hand (Sun) increases the possibility of sharing your creativity, noticing other people's good qualities and helping them express them. It is also a "healer's ring" - helping you to heal other people with your vital energy. The ring finger: the solar planet and the Earth element (Pritvhi) - resonates with the energy of the solar plexus and controls personal power."
The pinky is the planet Mercury and the Ayurvedic element water (Jal). As per the article: "The purpose of the little finger: to be an antenna that connects us to other people. This is Mercury: communication, information, social connections. The right ring and stone can help to protect you from the influence of other people and, conversely, make you a great negotiator. Wearing the ring on this passive hand finger (water) strengthens your intuition, you start to feel the energies better, you reach the "insides". During sleep, it promotes prophetic dreams, strengthens concentration. Wearing the ring on the finger of the passive hand shows that this person is a great listener with good intuition. The little finger: the planet Mercury and the Water element (Varuna) is associated with our worldly and intellectual activities."
Supposedly, wearing copper rings can come with many health and spiritual benefits as well. Copper is known to help reduce inflammation, encourage healthy circulation, assist with energy cleansing, and even have anti-aging properties. Interesting stuff! I will continue wearing my copper/ mixed metal rings on my right ring finger and my left pinky... and perhaps upgrade to pure copper tensor rings eventually. But for now, I really like my rings! Let's see where this energy takes me next! To be continued...
Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!