Science, Buddhism, Compassion, Longevity, Freedom & Money!
I mean what's the point of having unbound compassion, living a long life in excellent health if you are not financially free?
From Essiac/ 4 Herb Tea to 3 Herb Tea to Hyper Jia Bing Herb For Feline Hyperthyroidism !?! (*Correction: Jia Bing Fang Herb)
So it's been almost 2 weeks now since I started adding Essiac/ 4 herb Tea (that I brewed myself) to my cat's meals...
A Retrograde Nightmare-My Elderly Cat Dottie Must be Cured!
They told me that besides kidney disease and hyperthyroidism Dottie also has heart disease and dental disease.
ESSIAC: NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER- An Interview with Dr. Gary Glum
ESSIAC: NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER- An Interview with Dr. Gary Glum
My First Week of Sun Gazing! 9 Days to Be Exact! Part 1 (There's Just Too Much Info)
So I've been staring at the sun (with my bare eyes) for 9 Days! Not 9 days straight lol! But for a few seconds every day for 9 days.
To Sun Gaze or Not To Sun Gaze?
Sun gazing could be dangerous if not performed properly and is best done with the proper guidance and protection of a reputable sun-gazing
It's Not About Curing Things You Don't Have... It's About Preventing Them!
Sulfur! Only buy it from this site: It is very difficult to find on Google. They are purposely hiding it!
Squirrel Wars: The Grand Finale (I hope!)
If you've followed my articles religiously you would know that I've engaged in quite a few battles with the neighbors at my apartment
The Cough is Back! Ugh... I'm Sick Again!
So after writing my last article about the Orishas I ended up getting sick and therefore decided to skip an article! I needed extra rest!...
Defeating The New Super Germs!
After engaging in this conversation about curing cancer, I was vibrating cures and so more cures came to me which I will share with you...