Becoming A Free Natural Person with An Irrevocable Foreign Express Trust Part 1: Traveling in an Automobile & Dealing with The DMV

So it's Day 29 (Wednesday) of sun gazing and during this powerful and enlightening period of time I have managed to manifest a lot of important information about getting free from the system by utilizing a Foreign Irrevocable Express Trust. I had been reading and analyzing "The Zero Percent: Secrets of the United States, the Power of Trust, Nationality, Banking & ZERO TAXES!" by Du'Vaul Dey", and almost made it up to Chapter 5, when my friend/ mentor handed me Jonah Bey's Trust Webinar 1 and 2 in PDF form. I started reading Part 1 but then realized that I needed to look at Weiss's Concise Trustee Handbook: A Guide to the Administration of an Express Trust Under the Common Law Functioning under the General Law-Merchant by Carlton Albert Weiss. My friend got me the PDF of the 2nd edition 2007. Jonah Bey makes reference to the 2006 edition in the beginning of his first webinar. FYI... at this moment I still haven't read it! But I will get to it eventually. I am actually about to read the PDF transcript of Jonah Bey's Trust Webinar Part 3 as I have finished 1 and 2. Then I will read his non-ucc webinars. However, after reading and analyzing what I've read thus far, I suggested to my friend/ mentor that he contact a guy he knows at UCL because the foreign trusts being discussed sound a lot like the Secured Party Creditor/ Private Banker Trusts that we created many years ago. There are a few differences though which I won't go into detail about right now. But I do believe we are most certainly on the right track to figuring this all out... Freedom from this corrupt unconstitutional slave system and financial freedom! Because there is no true freedom without money!
However, in the meantime I'd like to discuss an interesting topic that I've wondered about for a while now... Besides utilizing a foreign trust to avoid/ legally waive paying taxes to the IRS since a foreign trust is not subject to the taxes owed by a domestic trust, the foreign trust, along with an injunction, also provides one with protection from local law enforcement while traveling (not driving) in an automobile. According to the Convention on International Road Traffic signed into International Law on September 19, 1949 (which regulates Automobile traffic), a non-commercial driver's license issued from another country allows for foreign nationals and nationals of America who are foreign to the "state" (Washington D.C.) to operate a motor vehicle.
So how this works is you would create a foreign express trust and get a 98 tax id number for it. The 98 number gives the trust foreign status with the IRS. Of course you would have to have a foreign address on file for the Trust with the IRS. Any foreign address will do although you may wish to choose the address that will be on your foreign driver's license. We will get to that foreign driver's license in a moment! But rest assured your mailing address can be an address you have access to in the United States (or wherever you are). Now you would get someone else to be the Trustee of your foreign trust and the new foreign version of yourself would be the beneficiary. The foreign version of yourself would also have to have a different name then your legal name. Jonah Bey refers to this foreign name change as one's "spiritual name." For example, if your name is "Anna Susan Smith" you would rename yourself "Anna Susan Bey" or "Anna Susan El." The meaning of "El" or "Bey" added at the end of people's last name signifies that they are returning to the knowledge of being a Moor. "El" and "Bey" are family names of people that belong to the Nation of Moors, also associated with the ancient Moabites. The name "El" or "Bey" was also used as a title. So the new foreign/ spiritual name version of yourself is going to be the natural person- free from the United States Corporate District of Columbia's fraudulent unconstitutional jurisdiction, whereas your legal name found on your birth certificate (and all your domestic ID's) is your legal fiction. Feel free to have a look back at my last article: "The United States Corporation "District of Columbia": Land of the Fee, Home of the SLAVE!" to get a better understanding of what a legal fiction is.
The new name version of yourself "Anna Susan Bey" will need to get a foreign noncommercial driver's license and an (IDP) International Driver's Permit issued from the driver's license country. Apparently one can obtain this driver's license from Panama or South Wales Australia, along with the country's IDP in the new foreign/ spiritual name ex: "Anna Susan Bey." Remember... your foreign driver's license must have a foreign address on it from that country!
You would send your Trustee to the (DMV) Department of Motor Vehicles to register the automobile on behalf of the foreign beneficiary. The registration would be in the name of the Trust. The car would have to be transferred into the Trust with the traveler's name (foreign beneficiary) on the title of the car as proof of bill of sale so the DMV can transfer ownership to the trust. According to Du'Vaul Dey, the traveler must use a trust name which presents a significant presence such as "Merovingian 0101 Trust." Also, the traveler must operate the automobile as the foreign beneficiary at all times. The public Trustee would also provide the DMV with IRS form W-8BEN which will prevent one from being obligated to pay annual registration fees. The DMV will also send tags and registration to the trust without the need for franchise fees and smog checks! The Trustee would also obtain the trust's insurance policy using their domestic driver's license. The beneficiary would give money to the Trustee to pay it. Of course this should all be stated in the Trust documents!
Finally, an injunction for the Trust filed with the County Sheriff, State Chief Justice, State Attorney General and State Governor's office will place the traveler on the"Do Not Detain List" providing the traveler with protection and respect from local law enforcement. This injunction can even be filed if the traveler's automobile is not in a trust! One can choose to list their original domestic state driver's license name on the "Do Not Detain List." I actually filed an injunction years ago under my state driver's license name. As I recall I filed an injunction for the state of California and a super injunction for traveling anywhere in the United States. My friend/ mentor received this injunction through Jonah Bey. Now if I were to get pulled over, which hasn't happened since I filed the injunction, I would not show the police officer my state driver's license. I would show them my diplomatic passport card. This is a process I did a while back based on Yusef El's diplomatic passport information. My close friend (who looks like a gang banger) proved that this passport card was legit when a police officer found an unlicensed/ unregistered gun on him. At first he was handcuffed, but when they ran his passport card, they removed the handcuffs and let him go... and I believe he got to keep the gun too! The officers seemed confused and upset! Yeah! Seriously! It's real! I don't look suspicious so I haven't had to test out the card yet. And hopefully I will never have to!
But if for some reason the traveler/ beneficiary gets pulled over after creating and registering their foreign trust with the DMV, the traveler simply needs to show the police officer their foreign non-commercial driver's license, IDP and registration in the name of the Trust. The officers will be unable to write up a citation or summons because the traveler will not be in the local computer system. The traveler will be completely out of their jurisdiction. FYI IDP's can also be used to rent cars, cash checks, show proof of age, get on an airplane/ cruise ship or general ID. For more information about this process read  "The Zero Percent: Secrets of the United States, the Power of Trust, Nationality, Banking & ZERO TAXES!" by Du'Vaul Dey". Everything I just wrote about is in this book!
So at this point in time there's a few things I would have to check on before moving forward with this process....1) Can I get a foreign non commercial driver's license in a new name easily? 2) Can I get an IDP in a new name easily? 3) Would I first need to create an ID of some kind for my new name to prove that it's me? 4) Will my car insurance company insure a foreign trust and foreign driver? 5) Will the DMV allow me to do this process easily? Will they be okay with registering a foreign trust? I heard that in California the Trustee's name has to be on the car title and registration, not the beneficiary! 6) Can the non-foreign citizen version of myself act as the Trustee for the Trust and handle the DMV and the car insurance for the other foreign/ beneficiary version of myself? Otherwise I have no one else to do it! So these are some important questions that need to be answered! In reality... I would really only do this process to protect my car and not have to pay DMV registration fees. As for law enforcement, the diplomatic passport and injunction is already protecting me!
To be continued...
Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!