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Geoengineered Weather Weapons Are Being Used Against Us! But We Can Fight Back & Neutralize Them!

The United States Government, being controlled by the International Banker's Cartel, is using geoengineered weather weapons to destroy specific cities and states that have desired resources that they would like to obtain and to cause confusion during the election process. At the moment Florida and North Carolina are being targeted, however there is talk of New York and Pennsylvania being targeted next! They are also hitting us with wildfires and violent migrants!

But don't take my word for it! Check out these enlightening links below:

Interestingly, as I was watching these videos and preparing this post, I received this email message:

Orgonise Africa | World's leading Orgonite suppliers

"Dear Jennie R


For us "dot connectors" or "pattern recognitionists" aka what used to be called by the derogatory name "conspiracy theorist"* it has been clear from the first moment that the recent devastating storms in the Southern USA have been man made or at least massively enhanced.

*theories don't kill, conspiracies do.

Even relatively tame political commentators like the former FOX host Clayton Morris on his show REDACTED are now talking about weather warfare. This is good. We've been talking about this for more than 20 years.

I'm gonna let this one stand as one of many sources. I guess you know it already or else, do your own research. There is now a lot of talk about this in alternative media.


Fighting weather warfare since 2002


As I said we have been aware of this for more than 20 years, and what's even more important: we've been effectively disabling this type of weather warfare wherever we had an opportunity to be at right place at the right time. 


So, for us this is in a way Business as usual

You may find this a bit of a mouth full, but if you go through our expedition reports, you will find  quite a lot of pictures of very similar HAARPed up skies. and how we subsequently dissolved that nasty energy and produced happy and harmless cumulus clouds.


Let me show you a few examples:

HAARP in Tornado mode over Kampala, Uganda 2003


The first time I saw this type of artificially amped up sky was in Kampala, Uganda, where Don Croft and I were guests of the extraordinary Bishop Habyarama at the time. 


This is where Don Croft mentioned for the first time that this is HAARP in Tornado mode. We would see this again and again and also learn how to deflate it. 

We had built an improvised CB there in Kampala in the Bishop's yard and pointed int against the direction of the impending storm. The sky transformed. (unfortunately the photos are lost)

This is a HAARP sky we observed in November 2002 in Lanseria, North East of Johannesburg while sitting outside with friends. In the beginning it looked almost like an electric fire...

We pointed their cloudbuster at it, after wetting it, and laid out additional towerbusters. Additionally we sent energy into the clouds.

Here in the third picture you see it already dissolving. Unfortunately it got dark soon after and we could take no further meaningful photos. But the tension built up by the HAARP got relieved and we were rewarded with a major downpour of rain (no violent storm) 



We are of course not the only ones who have broken the power of artificial storms with orgonite. Here is the feedback of one of our customers in Florida from 2017:

Orgonite deflates Irma in Florida

Devra R......

 | Sep 14, 2017 12:03:54 AM 

I am a customer of yours and I live in Florida, on the Sarasota Bay.

A couple of years ago I did a pretty major orgonite gifting expedition in and around my home...cell towers up and down the Tamiami Trail, several places around the various inland bays, and a few other choice spots in Bradenton, St. Petes, Tampa and Sarasota.

I also have about fifty pieces in and around my own property. Well, as you know we were just visited by a big bully...Hurricane Irma. There isn't enough space here to give you all the details, but I will just say that magic happened, and I am convinced it is due to the orgonite and good vibes....

Irma was heading straight for us in a bulls-eye, and then she veered off; she was downgraded at just a most crucial time and our area fared so much better than most; many many trees went down, but few hit structures; there was no storm surge, even though it was predicted and even though the waters in the bays receded dramatically we had absolutely no flooding; our power went on the very next day although millions are still without three days later; and so on and so on.....

I also have been playing 528 music to the bay with underwater speakers, so on the whole I hope we have created some good karma. My family and friends are all very relieved and grateful. I love the work you do and I just wanted to chime in.

Oh, I nearly forgot, the night before Irma hit I was out on my dock completely freaked out by the several days of horrible news and packing, the sky was absolutely clear and there was no wind...suddenly three clouds appeared out of nowhere above my head and then moved over us going quite fast.

My daughter said they looked like angels. I would not even have believed my eyes had she not been there to witness it. Then the clouds just disappeared like magic. Sylphs? Thank you Orgonise for spearheading this incredibly important movement, rock-on DR

Thanks Devra, for letting us know.

So, how is it done?

Orgonite promotes a low pressure system. When you place a Cloudbuster in your yard, you will have that low pressure system above and around you. This alone is often enough to break a drought if there is no blockage of the movement of moisture carrying clouds in another place. (which you will have to find and gift with more orgonite) 


If you point the CB against the direction of an incoming storm, you can project that low pressure system 100s of miles away, thereby deflating the incoming storm.


Remember: Natural and artificial storms alike flow from high pressure to low pressure, whatever may cause these pressure differentials. 


We have often done this to calm down nasty and unpleasant winds on our expeditions, like here in Botswana: 

Successfully pointing our CB against a nasty wind that was threatening to blow away our camp in Botswana 2012.

Of course it's not always that easy

as much as I would love to say so, you cannot expect to win the war waged against humanity by deploying a single cloudbuster. Sometimes that may just be enough to tip the balance, but in cases of massive and previously unprecedented  weather warfare such as the recent storms "Helena" and "Milton", a lot more may be required.


Unfortunately we are too late for these ones, but I figure gifting the whole area with 1000s (maybe 2-3000) towerbusters and then pointing some 10-20 Standard CBs against the storm in a coordinated fashion from different places, would have done the trick.

We are at war, take this serious and then relax

We need to be aware that the forces that have been secretly controlling humankind are not giving up without a fight. 

They really do not want to loose control. 

So, as humanity - gradually and in ever larger parts - wakes up to see the previously invisible network of manipulation and control, the "beast" is going into overdrive. 


As parasites do, it fights for its life. Previous restraints are falling away. The mask is off and the Beast doesn't care any more because it's now in survival mode.

Why do I say relax?


Because you don't fight a parasite by chopping at it with a sword. You fight it by removing its access to its food source. 


The food source of this world parasite* is human fear and pain.

Then you watch it go frantic and try to anticipate it's moves, containing it as much as possible while it is in the process of destroying itself. 


So far so good, that's all I have time for now.







Who is the world parasite? 


I see it more as a state of consciousness than a specific group of people, be it ethnic or religious.  Of course there is a group of people who have logged into this consciousness and are driving the agenda in 3-d reality. However, my perception is that the membership of this group fluctuates and that for example a violent revolution that kills the most well known exponents of this group, would not change anything for the better. Of course, people who have committed crime must be held responsible and prosecuted under the law. But the most important part is to remove the parasite's food source.


On the visible 3d level this is the access to the money printing debt enslaving machine of the Western Private Central Bank System, led by the Federal Reserve in the US. 

Remove this access and the criminal cabal loses the ability to limitlessly bribe everybody who opposes them or have them killed. We will remover their ability to thrive on the live blood and hard labour of the people who actually produce something.    


On the etheric level it is our own weakness, proneness to addiction, greed and fear that allows them to have a hold over us. Withdraw that favour and they are powerless over you."   

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!

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13 de jan.

Gabile Sohbet Cinsel Sohbet Yetişkin Sohbet

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