What is Your Soul's Purpose? And Can You Achieve It?
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my soul's purpose in life. I often wonder how we are all supposed to achieve our purposes in

Do You Have Your Own Personal Orisha Watching Over You?
I'd like to begin this article with an important disclaimer since the spiritual mentor who opened me up to the Orishas seems to feel that...

Staying Positive and Optimistic Amidst Housing Deception!
After defeating bronchitis and pneumonia and then being diagnosed with the flu (all in one month), I decided to eliminate all phone...

Abundance Affirmations Inspired by the Great Florence Scovel Shinn!
The following are some wonderfully powerful Abundance Affirmations inspired by the Book "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence...

Are You Going to Escape this 3rd Dimension Hell and Reach the 5th Dimension (in Time)?
Supposedly the G-d we've all been praying to in the age of pisces is the Demiurge, also referred to as Satan- a fallen angel of the...

I Feel Good and I Keep Feeling Better!
"I Feel Good and I Keep Feeling Better!" That's easier said than done I suppose... but the fact still remains... if you say this phrase...

The Law of Attraction... Don't forget to do this!
If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction then you will know that the main principle of this philosophy is that your thoughts create...

Embracing The Will Power to Master Oneself and Succeed at Life!
There's been so much going on in my life the past few weeks that I've struggled to find a title and a focus for this article. As I write...

Connecting with Saint Expedite
About a month or so ago my mentor handed me my first voodoo book titled "A Beginner's Guide to Voodoo 2nd Edition" by Issendai Bechan. It...

The Time is Now O'Clock!
I recently had a spiritual potential reading done for me by an awesome company called Tybro, whereby my birth information was used to...