From Essiac/ 4 Herb Tea to 3 Herb Tea to Hyper Jia Bing Herb For Feline Hyperthyroidism !?! (*Correction: Jia Bing Fang Herb)
So it's been almost 2 weeks now since I started adding Essiac/ 4 herb Tea (that I brewed myself) to my cat's meals...
A Retrograde Nightmare-My Elderly Cat Dottie Must be Cured!
They told me that besides kidney disease and hyperthyroidism Dottie also has heart disease and dental disease.
ESSIAC: NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER- An Interview with Dr. Gary Glum
ESSIAC: NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER- An Interview with Dr. Gary Glum
My First Week of Sun Gazing! 9 Days to Be Exact! Part 2
Sun gazing is changing my life.Perhaps my daily descriptions seem a bit mundane and not so interesting.But something immense is taking place
My First Week of Sun Gazing! 9 Days to Be Exact! Part 1 (There's Just Too Much Info)
So I've been staring at the sun (with my bare eyes) for 9 Days! Not 9 days straight lol! But for a few seconds every day for 9 days.
It's Not About Curing Things You Don't Have... It's About Preventing Them!
Sulfur! Only buy it from this site: It is very difficult to find on Google. They are purposely hiding it!
Defeating The New Super Germs!
After engaging in this conversation about curing cancer, I was vibrating cures and so more cures came to me which I will share with you...
My New AMAZING SuperFood... MACAMBO BEANS from the Amazon Rainforest!
Diary Entry March 20th, 2024: I've become enamored by a mysterious superfood called the Macambo Bean and it's antioxidant theobromine....
Marburg Virus Emergency Warning!
First and foremost, for all those who identify as Jewish or Hebrew Israelite, and who fasted for Yom Kippur this past Sunday through...
The Cough That Never Dies...Until You Do! (Alternative Title: "The Fog of Death!")
As I begin to write this article, on Monday April 10th 2023, there is a strange heavy fog coating the Los Angeles landscape. (Poisonous...