How I Won $500 off a Scratcher Lotto Ticket

Interesting story... I don't usually buy lotto tickets. I haven't purchased a lotto ticket in years... but something compelled me to do so around 2 weeks ago! And a $30 lotto ticket at that! Unheard of! It all started when I began reading a book called "Jewish Wisdom in The Numbers" by Osher Chaim Levene with Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman. I made it up to page 183 and number 15 when my friend/ mentor handed me a new book to read called "Thinking and Destiny" by Harold Waldwin Percival. I immediately put down the numbers book and became completely engulfed in "Thinking and Destiny." I was mesmerized momentarily until my friend handed me yet another book called "The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of all Time on the Secrets of Wealth and Prosperity" by Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Franklin, James Allen, Wallace D Wattles, Ernest Holmes, Florence Scovel Shinn and many others.
Our spiritual mentor had purchased two of these books for us- one for me and one for my friend. I was given instructions to read at least 33 pages a day. I was told to make this book my new religion. It was Friday November 5th, 2021 when I read my first 43 pages of "The Prosperity Bible" and I was absolutely in love! As I read through the pages a thought popped into my mind. I was supposed to buy a lotto scratcher ticket from my neighborhood water store. The ticket was to say "Ten Million Dollars" on it. It was an interesting idea considering that I never buy lotto tickets. I'm not much of a gambler... however I decided that I should probably buy the lotto ticket soon, although I wasn't exactly sure when.
The next day I decided that I would probably purchase the ticket on Wednesday the 10th, being that the ticket was to say Ten Million Dollars on it. The number 10 seemed to call out to me. I continued reading "The Prosperity Bible" that day and went on to write out a whole money manifestation plan that I was to memorize and read twice a day- once upon waking and once before going to sleep. This money manifestation plan was based on what I had read in the book.
So I read my plan before bed that night, Saturday November 6th, and then again when I woke up on Sunday November 7th. (November=11) (11+7+2021=5) (Day 3 of reading the Prosperity Bible). It was that same Sunday afternoon when I raced out of my apartment to go to the neighborhood farmer's market. I thought I was going to be late as usual, but to my surprise I was an hour early! It was daylight savings time! I failed to notice that the clock had been turned back an hour and so I gained an hour! I explained this to one of the vendors at the market... How I thought I was going to be late as usual but miraculously I was an hour early because I didn't realize that the clocks had been set back an hour. So you know what this lady tells me? She tells me that it must be my lucky day, or something to that effect, and that I should buy a lotto ticket that day!
I couldn't believe what I had just heard this lady tell me. I had been thinking about buying a lotto ticket for the past two days! What are the chances that this lady would even say such a thing to me? Was she in my head? Or was the universe/ God speaking through her? I believe that I told her rather nonchalantly that I may just follow her advice and buy that lotto ticket that day!
So as I'm walking through the farmer's market I feel pulled towards a fruit vendor. Then I feel pulled towards the apples. I find an apple called the arkansas black. I had never heard of this apple before but I was very attracted to to it so I purchased 5 of them, which is unusual as I typically don't eat many apples.
Then I drove to the water store to buy water (and perhaps a lotto ticket)? As I walked through the door of the store I immediately spot the lotto ticket that I'm supposed to purchase! It was the first one I glanced at. It was black in color and called "10 Million Dollar Titanium Black." Black- just like the black apple at the farmer's market. And it was the only ticket that said "10 Million Dollars" on it. I knew this was it! I could feel it! The ticket looked just how I imagined it should look.
Then I saw the price! $30! Wow! I never spent $30 on a lotto ticket before! Who in their right mind would? And I only had $80 in the bank that day, which actually surprised me because I didn't even expect to have that much. I'm not even sure where it came from! I wasn't expecting any money to be transfered into my account until Monday. I thought to myself that this was kind of dumb but all the signs were there to buy this ticket. So reluctantly, yet oddly confidently, I purchased the ticket knowing that I was supposed to win.
But I couldn't scratch it quite yet! I had to perform some magical rituals for a few days... first envision winning and so forth... you know? Practice the Law of Attraction, pray, meditate, place the lotto ticket on my spiritual altar, use reiki, invoke money spirits, etc... I like to make things a bit dramatic and mystical! Ofcourse, in reality, I'm sure that none of this was really necessary because the Infinite Intelligence had already led me to the winning ticket! Winning was already in the ether! Plus I had already been practicing money manifestation techniques (spells, prayers, etc) way before purchasing the ticket. However, I waited approximately 5 days to find out that I won $500 based on my winning number 35. (November 12th, 2021= 11+12+2021=10 at approximately 10:10pm) And I cashed in my winning ticket on Sunday the 14th. (November 14, 2021= 11+14+2021= 3) Lot's of 3's, 5's and 10's!
So long story short... "The Prosperity Bible" is a truly powerful vehicle for manifestation and financial transformation... and spiritual transformation! It's actually a very spiritual book. It's an amazing life changing book! So if you are looking to raise your level of consciousness and create a beautiful, magnificent abundant destiny and align yourself with the highest God frequency of Infinite Intelligence then look no further! Purchase "The Prosperity Bible" and start reading it everyday! Your life will change immediately! I purchased a winning lotto ticket on Day 3 of reading this book and I know in my heart that this is really just the beginning! I can feel it deeply! I am on to something here... Til next time... Abundance starts with abundant thoughts! Control your thoughts and you control your world!
Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!