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Rest in Peace Carolyna!

It's with great sadness that I write this impromptu article. Carolyna Akhverdyan was the talented artist who created the cover art for my spiritual poetry book "A Lover in the Land of Hell." Without going into too much personal details, this beautiful young lady was taken from us (way too soon) this past Saturday evening May 21st, 2022, when the hospital had no other choice but to unplug her. She had a brain hernia that there was no coming back from. She leaves behind a beautiful 6 year old daughter that she conceived with my best friend/ spiritual mentor. This 6 year old girl is like a daughter to me, however it was never my intention to replace Carolyna as her mother. We were all hoping that Carolyna would recover and get well, but unfortunately the universe/ God had other plans.

The truth of the matter is that I never really knew Carolyna well. She was close friends with my best friend/ spiritual mentor. I didn't have a personal relationship with her. Our relationship was from a distance... through my close friend and her daughter. However, I did know that she lived a difficult life and that she suffered greatly. It is my hope that wherever she is now she is no longer suffering and that she has found peace. I said a lot of prayers for her and sent her a lot of reiki distance healing this weekend. That's about all I could do. I hope it was enough.

I barely knew her yet I was intimately connected to her. I cried all weekend for this poor soul. I was hoping I could save her somehow, but her time had come to depart her physical body and this physical reality. My best friend and I spent the entire weekend explaining to her daughter that her mom was dead... yet, there is no such thing as death. She still lives on in the spirit realm in the afterlife. She can communicate with her mother anytime she wants. We will never allow Carolyna's daughter to forget her mom. She will live on in the minds and hearts of all those who cared for her. May she rest in peace!


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