My First Week of Sun Gazing! 9 Days to Be Exact! Part 2
Sun gazing is changing my life.Perhaps my daily descriptions seem a bit mundane and not so interesting.But something immense is taking place
Squirrel Wars: The Grand Finale (I hope!)
If you've followed my articles religiously you would know that I've engaged in quite a few battles with the neighbors at my apartment
My New AMAZING SuperFood... MACAMBO BEANS from the Amazon Rainforest!
Diary Entry March 20th, 2024: I've become enamored by a mysterious superfood called the Macambo Bean and it's antioxidant theobromine....
Defeating One's Reactive Nature
Re·ac·tive: acting in response to a situation rather than creating or controlling it. "a proactive rather than a reactive approach" What...
Repairing a Damaged Child
So how does one go about repairing a damaged child... when they themselves are damaged too? I suppose we are all damaged in one way or...
"My Container" Poem (from "A Lover in the Land of Hell" Spiritual Poetry Book)
All you see is my container You can’t fathom the real me Trapped in a world of illusion You only see what you’re told to see Our society...
Next Level Brain Food
Ready to set your brain on fire? Need a little extra something to boost your consciousness, manifestation powers, psychic abilities and...
Heat and Eastern Medicine by Won Kim
Have you ever suffered from an itchy skin condition? Even a single day of itching is unbearable, yet can you imagine how torturous it...
Getting Hit with the Wave of insanity?
I'm going to try to keep this article short and sweet as I'm writing this article on a computer at Fedex Kinkos! I've already ran up a...
Protection from Negative Entities & Demons Continued...
In a recent article I wrote titled "My Latest Discoveries in Negative Entity Protection," I described my exciting experiences battling...