My First Week of Sun Gazing! 9 Days to Be Exact! Part 2
Sun gazing is changing my life.Perhaps my daily descriptions seem a bit mundane and not so interesting.But something immense is taking place

The Cough is Back! Ugh... I'm Sick Again!
So after writing my last article about the Orishas I ended up getting sick and therefore decided to skip an article! I needed extra rest!...

Do You Have Your Own Personal Orisha Watching Over You?
I'd like to begin this article with an important disclaimer since the spiritual mentor who opened me up to the Orishas seems to feel that...

My New Hebrew Israelite/ Ethiopian Solar/ Sun Worshipping Shabbat!
So for the longest time my spiritual mentor(s) have been warning me that the European Shabbat ritual is incorrect and that it actually...

Buddhism is Starting to Sound Real Good Right Now!
Ummm, did I say I was Jewish? I think you must've heard me wrong. Buddhist and Jewish sure do sound similar don't they? Interestingly,...

A New Cycle Begins!
This past weekend, the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret followed by Simchat Torah, marks the end of our Torah reading cycle for the...

Shana Tova! Happy New Year!
So it's the Jewish New Year... Rosh Hashanah! Shana Tova! Happy New Year! Well, it was the Jewish New Year this past Friday through...

I Was Guided to this Incredible Article...
Today, Thursday June 15th, 2023, I was guided to this incredible article that I feel I must share here with you on my blog... Please read...

The Best of Everything Is Coming To Me Now!
I feel good and I keep feeling better so that I may do my spiritual work. I have perfect faith and trust that the most high divine...

Reaching Out To A Kabbalistic Rabbi...
Subject: Inquiry Regarding Hebrew Israelite/ Ancient African/ Ethiopian Kabbalistic Shabbat Ritual Dear Rabbi **** ******, I hope this...