Positive Insights for the New (Gregorian Calender) Year!
I was planning to post another eye opening article about covid today, but then I was struck by the intense energy of the full moon! And...
Dark Winter Part 2: Civil War? World War 3? Zombies? Aliens?
Perhaps the timing on this article is a bit odd... afterall Christmas is in just 2 days and well, um, this article is definitely not...
Take the Vaccine! Be a Hero! Die for Your Country!
CNN says to expect many nursing home patient deaths within one to two days of receiving the vaccine. This is going to be a NORMAL...
Not Ready For The Covid-19 Vaccine? Here's how to Legally Opt Out!
Many of us in the conscious community are concerned about the possibility of a mandatory covid-19 vaccination to be implemented in the...
Balancing Neurotransmitters in a Mood Disorder Emergency!
It was around November or December of 2019, right before covid happened, when I had a most prophetic dream. In my dream I was in the...