Becoming A Free Natural Person with An Irrevocable Foreign Express Trust Part 1: Traveling in an Automobile & Dealing with The DMV
The foreign trust, along with an injunction, also provides one with protection from local law enforcement while traveling in an automobile.

From Resort To Concentration Camp: This Summer's Trip to New York (LI, Queens, Brooklyn, PA and NJ)
This article is being published a little late because I actually just got back from my trip yesterday! I am still a bit jet lagged,...

Are You Going to Escape this 3rd Dimension Hell and Reach the 5th Dimension (in Time)?
Supposedly the G-d we've all been praying to in the age of pisces is the Demiurge, also referred to as Satan- a fallen angel of the...

Avoiding Wi-Fi and Cell Phone Radiation During my Trip to New York
I just came back from a trip to New York visiting family and I actually feel pretty good. This is typically not the case, however this...