First a Cat... And Now I've Manifested a Daughter! The Law of Attraction is Real!
The Law of Attraction is very real! Perhaps a bit too real! Especially in my case! Have you ever heard of the saying "Watch what thou...

"My Container" Poem (from "A Lover in the Land of Hell" Spiritual Poetry Book)
All you see is my container You can’t fathom the real me Trapped in a world of illusion You only see what you’re told to see Our society...

My Nine Ether Hair Upgrade: Is it Time for You to Cover your Hair?
So it all started on Shabbat, June 11th 2022, approximately 11 days ago! I was reading the Torah portion (parshah) "Naso." In Naso it...

“Pif is Like Real Life” Hip Hop Poetry Lyrics
From Queens New York to LA, had a plan, make it someday Sell you a dream, lie in your face, that's the Hollywood way But that's okay,...